Code of Conduct
The Collabo Community Code of Conduct is derived, by combining the Citizen Code of Conduct and the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct templates provided by GitHub, with our observations about how contributors have interacted with and/or conducted themselves in our own community over time. Our community Code of Conduct will therefore continue to evolve as and when needed.
Introduction: our CoC's purpose
A primary goal of Collabo Community is to be inclusive; we understand that our contributors may come from varied and diverse backgrounds. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).
We invite all those who participate in Collabo Community to help us create safe and positive experiences for everyone; and to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. This code of conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in or contribute to our community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behaviour.
Definitions of terms and abbreviations
CoC or [CoC] meaning: "CoC" or "[CoC]" is short for Code of Conduct.
[CoC] Sections: These are the (numbered) CoC sections that contain expected conduct or acceptable behaviours within the community.
Sensitive topics: What may be acceptable/offensive to some persons may not be acceptable/offensive to some other persons and vice versa, due to difference in backgrounds, beliefs, orientation, what they value, how they expect others to treat them, how they expect what they own to be treated or used etc. We term/deem discussions around such topics to be "sensitive" in nature. We also extend it to the way an organisation or people who build a product would expect, like or allow users to use or interact with their products.
You will see a "This is a sensitive topic" hint on a [CoC] section, if it is about or related to a sensitive topic.
[CoC] Section 1: Discussion channels, spaces and DMs
Only discuss Collabo Community projects (or related project matters) in the project discussion chat, channels or spaces.
In general, use Collabo Community discussion channels or spaces for Collabo Community related conversations only.
Respect people, their beliefs and/or orientations even in DMs (i.e. Direct Messages).
Avoid disclosing your personal information or that of other people, on any group discussion chat, channels or spaces.
[CoC] Section 2: Community members' project choice and questions
You cannot mock anyone for the kind of projects they choose to or choose not to participate in within the Collabo Community.
You cannot mock anyone for or discourage anyone from asking questions about community projects or task assignments.
For more context: Here at Collabo Community, there is nothing like foolish or stupid question. We encourage everyone to ask any question they have about Collabo Community, projects and the task assignments that they are working on. Even if you feel that what someone is asking or working on is too simple, we prefer you to help unblock them.
[CoC] Section 3: External product, platform, project or work
This a sensitive topic
Respect and adhere to the Terms of Use agreement of any external product, platform, project or work, that you use or mention within our community.
Use external product, platform, project or work for our community project development, in accordance with the permissions granted in their licence.
[CoC] Section 4: Language and tone in discussions
This a sensitive topic
No use of "f" word or any slang or language generally known as or known to be taken as offensive.
Please watch your tone when engaging in discussions. Be respectful to other members of the community in your asks, responses and conversations in general.
[CoC] Section 5: Disability
This is a sensitive topic
Avoid jokes, talk or behaviours that belittles or make people with any form of disability feel less or uncomfortable.
Don't purposely embarrass or be purposely insensitive to their needs and abilities.
For more context: See the [CoC] section for Discussion channels, spaces and DMs.
[CoC] Section 6: Religious beliefs
This is a sensitive topic
Avoid jokes, talk or behaviours that steer up religious grievances or wars.
Avoid forcing your religious beliefs on other people, and do not attack anyone because they do not share your religious beliefs.
For more context: See the [CoC] section for Discussion channels, spaces and DMs.
[CoC] Section 7: Gender and gender identity
This is a sensitive topic
Avoid jokes, talk or behaviours that steer up gender-related grievances or wars.
Avoid forcing your gender, gender identity or sexual orientation on other people. Do not attack anyone because they do not share your beliefs about gender or gender identity.
For more context:
About gender pronouns, expectations and preferences:
Respecting other people's stance or choice: Just as you expect people to respect your stance concerning this matter, we expect that you plan to respect other people's stance on this matter. For example: it could feel awkward for person A to adopt using a "she/her" pronoun to refer to person B who to them qualifies as a "he/him", probably based on what they are used to or the backgrounds they come from. And it could also feel awkward for person B if the "he/him" pronoun is used to refer to or qualify them instead of "she/her", for reasons best known to them.
Reaching a compromise: It is important that both parties try to understand each other's feelings and position on this, and try to reach a compromise. A good example of such compromise could be that person A uses person B's name, and generally avoid the use of pronouns when addressing or referring to person B, without making the conversation look awkward. For example Person A can construct their sentence like so: "I believe what Person B is trying to say is that the issue ticket will be completed by Friday", instead of provoking Person B by saying: "I believe what he is trying to say is that he will complete the issue ticket by Friday". Person B on the other hand can be patient with Person A, allowing them to transition to using other people's preferred pronouns at will and at their own pace. It's also fine if Person A never wants to use Person B's pronoun, as long as Person A does not force a different pronoun on Person B.
Summary: It is impossible to cite all possible examples or mention all possible scenarios, since they are many. Community members can take a clue from the "Person A and Person B" example cited here. In summary, it takes two to tango.
Also see the [CoC] section for Discussion channels, spaces and DMs.
[CoC] Section 8: Sexual harassment, exploitation and content
This is a sensitive topic
Do not post or display sexually explicit or pornographic materials, including materials that depict sexual exploitation of children or adults.
Do not post or display materials that promote nudity or lewd behaviours within the community.
Do not initiate inappropriate physical contact. You should have someone's consent before touching them.
Do not engage in inappropriate photography or recording.
No unwelcome sexual attention. This includes, sexualized comments or jokes; inappropriate touching, groping, and unwelcomed sexual advances.
[CoC] Section 9: General notes
No bullying of any sort. We want a habitable and hospitable community for everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, belief etc.
Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following (online or in person) is not allowed.
Posting or threatening to post other people's personally identifying information ("doxing") will not be tolerated.
No insults of any kind allowed i.e. personal insults, particularly those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability.
No use of "f" word or any slang or language generally known as or known to be taken as offensive.
No violence, threats of violence or violent language directed against another person.
Avoid jokes, talk or behaviours that steer up ethnic rivalry, religious wars, gender wars etc.
No sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language.
No posting or displaying sexually explicit or violent material.
No unwelcome sexual attention.
Sustained disruption of community events, including talks and presentations is not allowed.
Advocating for, or encouraging, any unacceptable or unwanted behaviour will not be tolerated.
Purposely making harmful or false claims about a person will not be tolerated.
Aiding and abetting someone to break any of the community rules is the same as breaking that rule yourself.
Supporting unacceptable or unwanted behaviour through use of text, emojis, voice notes or any other means, is the same as exhibiting the unacceptable behaviour yourself.
[CoC] Section 10: Holding yourself and others accountable
If you notice someone is exhibiting an unacceptable behaviour, and you want to let that person know or you want to point community maintainers' attention to it, please do so respectfully and in a non-disruptive manner.
Prompting or encouraging such persons to visit this Code of Conduct document will be helpful to prevent such occurrence from happening again in the future.
Disciplinary actions and consequences
Whether it's a severe case or not, we prefer that the party or parties involved in breaking rules are directed to the Code of Conduct; to help identify the [CoC section] rule broken, and the consequences or disciplinary actions that may follow/apply.
Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to comply immediately. Unacceptable behaviour from any community member, including sponsors and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated.
[1 of 5] Breaking a particular [CoC] section's rules "one time"
We want to believe that nobody will purposely want to display unacceptable behaviour or break rules in the community. How we handle sensitive and non-sensitive topics in this case:
If not related to a sensitive topic:
Where discussion will hold: Same post discussion thread(s) where it happened.
Actions we may take: Depending on the nature and/or severity, community maintainers' response could be any of the following - simple correction, orientation calls/training, warning.
If related to sensitive topic:
Where discussion will hold: Involved party or parties are summoned i.e. Invited to the #summon channel for further discussion, and we will investigate when, if or as needed.
Actions we may take: Depending on the nature and/or severity, community maintainers' response could be any of the following - strong warning, temporary or permanent ban from the community channels and spaces.
[2 of 5] Repeatedly breaking a particular [CoC] section rules
Whether it is related to a sensitive topic or not, community maintainers will simply interpret repeated breaking of the same [COC] section as a deliberate act/attempt to not take heed to previous warning or pardon. We will also interpret it as a deliberate act/attempt to not consult this public CoC resource made available to such person or persons, during the previous warning or pardon; thereby deliberately disrupting the affected aspect of the community’s work/growth.
Where discussion will hold: Involved party or parties are summoned i.e. Invited to the #summon channel for further discussion, and we will investigate when, if or as needed.
Actions we may take:
If not related to a sensitive topic: Depending on the nature, frequency and/or severity, community maintainers' response could be any of the following - re-orientation calls/training, strong warning, temporary or permanent ban from the community channels and spaces.
If related to a sensitive topic: Permanent ban from the community channels and spaces.
[3 of 5] Repeatedly breaking multiple [CoC] section rules
Whether they are related to sensitive topics or not, community maintainers will simply interpret repeated breaking multiple [COC] sections as a deliberate act/attempt to not take heed to previous warning or pardon. We will also interpret it as a deliberate act/attempt to not consult this public CoC resource made available to such person or persons, during the previous warning or pardon; thereby deliberately disrupting the affected aspect of the community’s work/growth.
Where discussion will hold: Involved party or parties are summoned i.e. Invited to the #summon channel for further discussion, and we will investigate when, if or as needed.
Actions we may take for both sensitive and/or non-sensitive topics in this case: Permanent ban from the community channels and spaces.
[4 of 5] Unwanted behaviour exhibited does not have a [CoC] section
We have tried to make our CoC cover a very broad scope. In the case the behaviour exhibited is determined as unwanted according to Collabo Community standards/values, and does not have a uniquely identifiable [CoC] section to make reference to in other to determine what the disciplinary action will be:
An existing [CoC] section that has related topic/concept will be used at that point. If none is found to be related, community maintainers will deliberate on what disciplinary action is fair to implement based on the current disciplinary actions that we have on ground.
If or as needed, we will update the CoC so that this newly exhibited unwanted behaviour is properly documented.
[5 of 5] "I didn't know I was breaking a rule"
Unfortunately, we do not consider "I didn't know I was breaking a rule" statement (or such kind of thought/statement) as a valid excuse. We have done our part to introduce you to the community rules and Code of Conduct, immediately you join or enter our community. After reading the CoC that first time, we expect that you would at least occasionally revisit it just to remind yourself about the rules.
We also give enough room for community members to ask questions, about anything they do not understand in our CoC and community documentation. We also send updates on a dedicated channel, if there are new changes to the CoC or any part of our community documentation in general.
Based on the above reasons, we will not condone any form of unacceptable behaviour in the name of "I didn't know I was breaking a rule". Persons involved in breaking and community rules will face the consequences accordingly.
The #summon channel and unacceptable posts
The #summon channel is a private channel. Only involved party or parties whose matter has been taken to the #summon channel will be able to see it, that is, when invited and until the summon is over.
The specific post discussion thread or comment will be removed from the discussion channel where it happened; if the matter is taken to the #summon channel.
Reporting violations
If an unacceptable or unwanted behaviour is directed at you, or if you witness it is being done to someone else, or have any other concerns, please notify the community maintainers as soon as possible at:
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. To help us better look into the matter, please include the following if possible:
Discord usernames of people involved or who witnessed the incident.
Where it happened.
When it happened, and is it currently ongoing?
Description of what happened and/or how it happened.
Conversation screenshot and/or link.
Any additional context or information that you believe we should know about.
All community leaders and all involved party or parties in a case, are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
Need clarity or have questions?
If you need clarity about any part of this CoC or have any questions, feel free to ask on our discord community server here:
Last updated
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